Stuffed tomatoes with rice


8 ripe tomatoes 

200g Arborio rice 

Parsley, chopped

Extra Virgin Olive Oil, basil, oregano, salt, pepper qb

1 garlic clove (if you like it!)

Recipe presentation

From grandma Angelina’s cookbook: tomatoes stuffed with rice.


Wash and cut off the top of each tomato.

Scoop out pulp and pass it in the blender to discard seeds.

Mix with salt, pepper, oil, basil, oregano, parsley.

Add row rice rinsed to tomato pulp and let macerate for at least 1 hour and a half.

Fill tomatoes with rice and flavored pulp.

Replace tops.

Place stuffed tomatoes on a tin. 

Add olive oil, salt and bake at 180 degrees for 1 hour.

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